
BioDigit Mobile™

A transformative mobile health application for monitoring motor, speech and cognitive function, and mental health.

BioDigit Mobile utilizes mobile sensor technologies, digital assessments and patient reports outcomes and diaries to enable comprehensive assessments across multiple clinical domains and disease symptoms. More than 50 digital assessments have been integrated into BioDigit Mobile.

BioDigit Mobile is selected by the NIH as the remote measure technology for rare diseases. 

Clinical Research and Trials

BioDigit Mobile enables frequent collection of digital data from a large number of patients. It simplifies patient recruitment, minimizes the burden on participants while improving engagement, satisfaction and compliance.

Remote Patient Monitoring and Telehealth

BioDigit Mobile provides a transformative solution for monitoring disease symptoms, including motor, speech, and cognitive function, and mental health. These comprehensive monitoring capabilities enable clinicians to better monitor and assess their patients' symptoms and response to therapeuics.

Please contact us if you are interested in learning more about BioSensics's products and technologies.

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