
Parkinson’s disease

Validating the use of digital health technologies to monitor disease symptoms in Parkinson’s disease, including gait abnormalities, physical activity level, sleep, fine motor control, speech difficulties and cognitive decline.

Pakinson’s disease (PD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder that affects approximately 10 million people worldwide. Parkinson's disease symptoms can be broadly categorized into motor and non-motor symptoms, and the onset and progression of these symptoms can vary significantly among individuals.

Our research in PD is focused on developing and validating a multi-modal digital health technology for monitoring motor and non-motor symptoms of PD. This includes the use of 1) wearable sensors for monitoring gait, physical activity, and sleep, 2) BioDigit Speech to assess speech difficulties and dysarthria, and 3) Digital fine motor control and cognitive assessments to measure upper limb dysfunction and cognitive decline.

Our clinical studies in PD

BioDigit PD

Status: Completed
Number of participants: 15
Monitoring period: 1 month
Study product: LEGSys, PAMSys

BioDigit PD2

Status: Completed
Number of participants: 20
Monitoring period: 1 clinical visit
Study product:  LEGSys, PAMSys, BioDigit PD Solution

BioDigit PD solution

BioDigit PD is a multi-modal digital health technology designed for objective, precise and frequent monitoring of symptoms in PD.

The solution incorporates several BioSensics products to provide comprehensive monitoring of PD symptoms through a single digital health solution:

  1. BioDigit Speech for frequent assessment of speech dysfunction and dysarthria

  2. Digital fine motor controls and cognitive assessments for frequent at-home measurements

  3. PAMSys wearable sensors for precision actigraphy

  4. LEGSys for objective gait assessment.

BioSensics products have been used in more than 10 clinical trials in PD, including for the collection of primary and secondary endpoints of trials.

Our research partners

If you're interested in discussing our research, including access to our study protocol and data, or using our products in your clinical trials and research, please contact us.

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