
Friedreich ataxia

Establishing the clinical validity of using wearable sensors to measure and track lower and upper limb dysfunction in both children and adults with Friedrich ataxia.

Friedreich ataxia (FA) is an autosomal recessive neurodegenerative disease that causes progressive ataxia, cardiomyopathy, scoliosis and, in some individuals, diabetes. FA is characterized by progressive difficulties in gait, upper extremity coordination, and speech, and has no cure.

Our research in FA is focused on establishing the clinical validity of using wearable sensors for monitoring lower and upper limb dysfunction over time in both children and adults with FA.

Our clinical study in FA

BioDigit FA ID: NCT06016946

Status: Recruiting
Number of participants: 50
Monitoring period: 12 months
Study product:  PAMSys, PAMSys ULM

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If you're interested in discussing our research, including access to our study protocol and data, or using our products in your clinical trials and research, please contact us.

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